So Glad I Could Help

Yesterday morning my boyfriend underwent extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy to break up a 10 mm kidney stone that was causing him discomfort.  Following this procedure one feels sore at first but that is following my the pain of passing the remaining particles of the stone.  He also became extremely nauseous so was unable to keep down any pain medication.  Between vomiting and passing sandy substance in his urine it was hard to get his attention.  Finally, however, he was able to focus and I used hypnosis (which I had cleared with the surgical staff) to help with his pain.  He was able to sleep between his many trips to the bathroom and today his is up and running errands, joking as usual and not allowing me to pamper him any more.  I am so happy that I had the tools to assist him through this situation.  It is so difficult to watch a loved one suffer.